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1. Security,Controllability,Manageability and Survivability in Trustworthy Network
Wang Sheng , Yu Hongfang , Xu Du
ZTE Communications    2008, 6 (1): 33-38.  
摘要93)      PDF (220KB)(177)    收藏
The Internet plays increasingly important roles in everyone s life; however, the existence of a mismatch between the basic architectural idea beneath the Internet and the emerging requirements for it is becoming more and more obvious. Although the Internet community came up with a cons ensus that the future network should be trustworthy, the concept of trustworthy networks and the ways leading us to a trustworthy network are not yet clear. This res earch insists that the security, controllability, manageability, and survivability should be basic properties of a trustworthy network. The key ideas and techniques involved in these properties are studied, and recent developments and progresses are surveyed. At the same time, the technical trends and challenges are briefly discussed. The network trustworthiness could and should be eventually achieved.
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